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6. Writing a Test

Now we need to go __test__/hello_world.test.ts and modify our test to properly call our contract.

We can do so by removing test("sum") and test("difference") and write our own test:

test("helloWorld", async () => {
const message = await appClient.hello({ name: "AlgoDev" });
expect(message.return?.valueOf()).toBe("Hello, AlgoDev");

The important thing here is that await appClient.doMath was changed to await appClient.hello and the argument was changed to { name: "AlgoDev" }. Finally, we changed the test to expect "Hello, AlgoDev" since the argument we passed in was "AlgoDev".

Running The Test

To run the test, run the script npm run test, which should show all tests passing:

Terminal window
PASS __test__/hello_world.test.ts
helloWorld (766 ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total